So I was able to work out a barter deal on a 1980 standard. My 78 is a bit of a basket case and I knew it wouldn't be running this summer. So picked this up to curb that need to ride bug and take my time on the 78 and not rush because I am anxious to ride. Was being sold as a 1979 but when I saw the 85 mph speedo I was pretty sure it wasn't. The PO said that the right coil was bad because the 3 and 4 spark plugs had no spark, I got to looking around and found that they are both controlled by half of each coil. So I am assuming it is not the coil or has anyone heard of half of each coil failing? The spark plugs looked old and rusty so I am staring with them first. The battery is on the charger. so hoping to get to checking the new spark plugs tomorrow. I also noticed today that there might be an oil cooler attached to it. I didnt notice this when I bought it but as I was taking tank of and looking at the coils I thought hhmmm I don't think that is original. It has two hoses that turn to copper lines with some circular end that a bolt goes through. One attaches at the top of the cam cover and the other is lower where the engine and tranny meet. So does anyone have suggestions why 3 and 4 had no spark? Thanks!