Originally posted by BA80
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Something snapped! A diagnosis.
Originally posted by motoman View PostFirst off, a reputable is NOT gonna do it without splitting the cases(dats what the manual says, and dats all they know). Secondly, they're not gonna back-cut/ dremel the engaging 'dogs'(liability factor). Thirdly, that leaves gear replacement only option for them. Problem is, availability.............now, your back to here.
Oh!....almost forgot.....no tech in shop today could even take one of these motors apart and CORRCTLY re-assemble it to run anyways.
The positive side..........have seen several members here over the years that were not mechaically inclined AND clueless do the tranny fix and beyond with vebal help from here.............only dumb question, is the one you chose not to ask......just sayin'
Well, I may not have much of a choice!
I do not look forward to the prospect of implementing this repair myself, but I take heart at all the support offered here. I'm reading the transmission fix thread presently.79 SF
A final reservation I have regarding the proposed transmission fix is my uncertainty over whether the fix will address the issue with my bike. The issue is not just first or second gear, but all gears. The bike will not move in any gear. I'd hate to get halfway into the fix only to discover that it won't remedy the problem.
I've looked at the member list for Ohio/Michigan, and found a few guys who live near me. I'll be contacting them tomorrow to see if they have the time or inclination to help out an amateur like myself.79 SF
If you click on their names you can check their profiles to see when the last time the visited the forum was. Some, a lot of them may not be around anymore. Check other states around you also.
Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein
80 SG Ol' Okie;79 engine & carbs w/pods, 45 pilots, 140 mains, Custom Mac 4 into 2 exhaust, ACCT,XS850 final drive,110/90/19 front tire,TKat fork brace, XS750 140 MPH speedometer, Vetter IV fairing, aftermarket hard bags and trunk, LG high back seat, XJ rear shocks.
The list changes.
Here is a thought even though you do not have experience you still can pull the middle drive and see if the issue is there. It is not that complicated but can take a little effort at times procedure is in book and there are a few threads here that give even a novice how to with no problem. If it is not there you can strip the bike for upside down, pull exhaust. pull plugs etc and set it on a stand and pull the oil pan and do examination. There is nothing complicated about getting to this point. Once you are here you can rotate the engine by hand looking at gears and shafts and may find the area of failure. If you are going to get someone to come help I know they will appreciate you doing as much prep work and getting tools and work area set up. If you can Identify the issue and get parts or verify the problem visually you will be that much further along to where when someone comes they are not looking for the problem they are fixing. If you focus you might be surprised at what you can do if you really want to.To fix the problem one should not make more assumptions than the minimum needed.
1980 G Silverbird
Original Yamaha Fairfing and Bags
1198 Overbore kit
Grizzly 660 ACCT
Barnett Clutch Springs
R1 Clutch Fiber Plates
122.5 Main Jets
Mac 4-2 Flare Tips
Antivibe Bar ends
Rear trunk add-on
I had the tranny issues too...I had no experience and I am only moderately mechanically inclined... I had a tremendous amount of help from Randy and then later from TC. I did all the prep work...which entails draining the engine,middle drive gear and final drive gear oils...dis-assembled some some parts on top and then flipped the bike upside down in my garage. We then removed the transmission through the clutch area and not split the cases....It was an interesting experience and it didnt all go as smoothly as I had hoped...but in the long run I got it done...BTW I did not do the dremel fix...which is an inexpensive fix...I went the more $$$ route and just bought new gearsets...gearssets are grouped...1st and 4th and 2nd and 5th.. so we just did a simple swap of gearsets...we also moved that washer over on the other side of 2nd gear. If it wasnt for this forum and the help I got that bike would problably be scrapped by now...The help and comraderie are priceless benefits to being a member at CH11...Good luck with it and dont despair..1980 XS650G Special-Two
1993 Honda ST1100
Originally posted by mesmeridicus View PostThe issue is not just first or second gear, but all gears. The bike will not move in any gear. I'd hate to get halfway into the fix only to discover that it won't remedy the problem.
Another thing.... You say you're not mechanically-minded but that is a self-fulfilling prophecy. You won't learn a thing about anything unless you start doing it. You've not done this sort of thing before because you're not mechanically-minded; you're not mechanically-minded because you've never done this sort of thing before.
On an old bike like these, you'd be advised to do as much work yourself as possible and if that means taking a leap of faith and getting on with, then I'd just do it. Look upon it as a learning opportunity with step by step help and support from everyone here. However, if the reason for your not wanting to do it yourself is, say, that you really aren't that interested, or would prefer to do something else instead, then I think you may find running an older bike not really your thing. But...if it's just a confidence issue and a belief that you're not mechanically-minded, then here's your chance to change that!Last edited by James England; 07-24-2014, 05:53 AM.XS1100F 1980 European model. Standard. Dyna coils. Iridium plugs. XS750 final drive (sometimes). Micron fork brace. Progressive front springs. Geezer regulator/rectifier. Stainless 4 into 2 exhaust. Auto CCT (Venturer 1300) SOLD. New project now on the go. 1980 European model.
Seems to me that if the middle drive is rotating freely in neutral with non of the symptoms, it's functioning fine. I must plead ignorance here as non of my bikes have had the dreaded tranny issue, so I'm not familiar with the symptoms. If it was the second gear issue, would that make it grind in other gears? I'm not clear on how it would.
I was wondering if it's not a shift fork issue jumping out of the groove or being bent, preventing a complete change.
Mes have you taken off the left side (side stand side) cover and looked in there yet, to check for broken return springs and that the alignement dots on both the change lever and shift drum are correct?mack
79 XS 1100 SF Special
original owner
81 XS 1100 LH MNS
78 XS 11E
Have recovery trailer and shop if you breakdown in my area.
Frankford, Ont, Canada
Where in the area do you live? I'm up in the northeast Dayton area (Huber Heights) I have some trans work to do on mine, I'm not in a rush as I have another bike to ride, but I can push up my timetable a bit. I haven't decided how I'm getting into my tranny yet, flipping the bike or pulling the engine, pulling the engine only takes a couple or three hours unassisted. You're welcome to come by and observe or help out, gain the confidence you need to tackle yours or bring it with and we can tackle it together. In any case, PM me, we can talk, I work during the day, but most evenings are the usual honey do stuff or perhaps sitting on my ass after a few boilermakers. In any case, I'll help out where I can. Have a nice day and ride safeI am the Lorax, I speak for the Trees
'80 XS1100 SG (It's Evil, Wicked, Mean & Nasty)
'79 XS1100 F R (IL Barrachino)
'00 Suzuki Intruder 1400 (La Soccola)
'77 KZ400s (La Putana)
Easier way
Without hearing it ourselves it's hard to diagnose. Try this mes. Put the bike on the center stand so the rear wheel is off the ground. Start it in nuetral and then shift into first and let the clutch out slowly. Without resistence the wheel should turn even if the gear dogs are worn. Run the bike up through the gears and that will tell you if the drum,forks and other gears are good.
Go back down through the gears to first and goose the throttle in first and second. If you get a studdering feel in either or, or from first to second then it's the dremel fix you need.
I've learned a quite a bit in the past few years, and started out just like you. These are well engineered bikes , very simple and durable machines. The most important thing I've learned is that if it doesn't fit right in, without having to force something, then your doing it wrong. The old,"get a bigger hammer" doesn't apply to these. I can't think of any problem that would force me to take one of my rides to a shop to have someone else, work on them. First, who could afford it. Second, I don't like anyone else touching my stuff. I trust ME to ensure it's done right and put back together and torqued properly. My life is on the line when ever I throw a leg over the seat and I'll be damned if I will trust my life to someone, who may be having a bad day.
Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty. Once you start, you'll learn to love it and knowing your bike is part of riding your bike. Someday it may have an issue not close to your parents house and you may have to fix it yourself on the side of a road in bum f..k nowhere with the tools you have on hand. Getting to know your bike will enable you to have the necessary stuff on hand.mack
79 XS 1100 SF Special
original owner
81 XS 1100 LH MNS
78 XS 11E
Have recovery trailer and shop if you breakdown in my area.
Frankford, Ont, Canada
another good idea
Gotta love this site...All good suggestions to this point.
This might be another one...Set up a video camera and film the procedure,
you can decide how much or little of it to film...I think it might be easier than thumbing through a manual with greasy hands ...besides you can review it repeatedly before you reassemble....good luck78standard,79 & 80 Specials; 2 x 650 Maxims; 4 x RD350's; yz450; 2 x Honda tlr's;2x jt1 mini.
Originally posted by James England View PostWhat do you mean "the bike will not move in any gear"? Can you be more specific? It's gone from a clunk and grinding to now not moving at all, apparently. What procedure have you done to establish that it won't move in any gear? Started it up and tried to ride it? Have you tried shifting through all the gears by rocking the bike forward and backwards and operating the gearshift lever (gears will rarely change through the sequence unless you do this).
I took it from neutral into first, and then up to five and back down into first. Same issue with all gears.
I enlisted my brother and we took two videos of me cycling through the gears -- one with the bike on the centerstand, the other on the ground. I'll upload them to YouTube and link them as soon as he sends them to me.
Interestingly, the grinding sound I heard when the bike is in gear seems to have become less pronounced (dull). I don't know if that's a function of something being progressively worn down as I've tested the bike over the past couple days, or what. Anyway, it's all in the videos.79 SF
Originally posted by mack View PostWithout hearing it ourselves it's hard to diagnose. Try this mes. Put the bike on the center stand so the rear wheel is off the ground. Start it in nuetral and then shift into first and let the clutch out slowly. Without resistence the wheel should turn even if the gear dogs are worn. Run the bike up through the gears and that will tell you if the drum,forks and other gears are good.
Go back down through the gears to first and goose the throttle in first and second. If you get a studdering feel in either or, or from first to second then it's the dremel fix you need.
Putting it up on the centerstand while running it and cycling the gears was a great, simple idea that hadn't occurred to me. Thanks. I video-recorded the process you suggested and I'll post it as soon as I can.79 SF
Obviously the videos would be a big help, however just reading through this thread it seems that you are still going to have to do some wrenching. If I were in your shoes I would accept the Lorax's offer and help with his and yours. Two sets of hands and eyes are much better then one and besides having two people will aid in getting the bikes stripped and flipped. I would also print out the tech from this site as large as I could make it with the pictorial so that it could be easily referenced.
Barring that you at minimum need to remove the back wheel and drive train up to the middle gear. That would be a good start and would give you an opportunity to examine all your u joints and final drive housing for damage. If none exist there then you down to the middle drive unit and transmission. The middle drive unit could then be inspected for damage by removing the side cover and you would already be seeing the other side by removing the drive shaft assembly. For a bike of this age you need to do all of that anyway and clean and grease everything with fresh grease. You don't need a lot of mechanical no how to do these tasks. The transmission is another story but with the help of this site and Lorax you should be able to accomplish that as well. As has been said .... if you are going to own and ride these old machines you can not be afraid to dig in and learn. I understand your apprehension, however at worst you don't get it fixed .... so what have you lost... your not riding now anyway.
By the way not trying to be nosy or get into your business but did you buy that bike as configured as a café or have you done some work on it? How much do you now have invested in it and is it worth it to you to invest more money or time? From my perspective my time has less impact on my wallet.2 - 80 LGs bought one new
81 LH
02 FXSTB Nighttrain
22 FLTRK Road Glide Limited
Originally posted by mesmeridicus View PostStuttering feel is in all gears.
Putting it up on the centerstand while running it and cycling the gears was a great, simple idea that hadn't occurred to me. Thanks. I video-recorded the process you suggested and I'll post it as soon as I can.
Have you drained the oil from the middle drive and looked at it yet? If it's in ALL gears that would narrow it down the main drive chain (highly unlikely) the middle drive (where you say the noise is coming from) the drive shaft, or the final drive.
All the gears won't go bad at once.Greg
Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein
80 SG Ol' Okie;79 engine & carbs w/pods, 45 pilots, 140 mains, Custom Mac 4 into 2 exhaust, ACCT,XS850 final drive,110/90/19 front tire,TKat fork brace, XS750 140 MPH speedometer, Vetter IV fairing, aftermarket hard bags and trunk, LG high back seat, XJ rear shocks.
The list changes.