It's too bad the factory didn't use stainless steel pistons, it sure would have made life easier for all of us bike junkies.
I don't know who came up with the idea to fill the pits with JB Weld, it would never stick to something that has been soaked in brake fluid for so long. I have used JB Weld to fill in the pits on the out side of an old Mauser rifle barrel then painted it with Yamaha self etching case paint. It looked pretty good for a hack gob.
I don't know who came up with the idea to fill the pits with JB Weld, it would never stick to something that has been soaked in brake fluid for so long. I have used JB Weld to fill in the pits on the out side of an old Mauser rifle barrel then painted it with Yamaha self etching case paint. It looked pretty good for a hack gob.