As Don said the factory setting were a government emissions compliance thing, everything has changed since then so it doesn't matter anymore.
Here is the thread to follow.
No need to dip them, most people don't do that anyways. Just get a few cans of whatever spray carb cleaner you use and some brushes to clean with. I use these brushes from harbor freight and they work great for nearly every passage.
Do not pull the emulsion tubes out the top, push them up and out from the bottom. If you pull them out you can damage that lip that is in the carbs air stream.

As Don said the factory setting were a government emissions compliance thing, everything has changed since then so it doesn't matter anymore.
Here is the thread to follow.
No need to dip them, most people don't do that anyways. Just get a few cans of whatever spray carb cleaner you use and some brushes to clean with. I use these brushes from harbor freight and they work great for nearly every passage.
Do not pull the emulsion tubes out the top, push them up and out from the bottom. If you pull them out you can damage that lip that is in the carbs air stream.