All I wanted was to change my fork oil . . .
I did a little reading and decided I should really crack my forks open and clean them out a bit. I'm riding an 81 xs1100 standard with 24K miles. I wouldn't say it had been well maintained by the previous owner.
There was no air pressure in either fork. I had a heck of a time getting the fork caps off.
I'm thinking I might put in the progressive springs and figure while I'm here I might as well replace the fork seals (though they weren't leaking or anything).
I wonder if my fork caps are in too rough of shape to put back in. If I put in the progressives (eliminating the need for air) are there other fork caps I can use that will fit this model?
If this works, this will be a pick of my fork caps. Very corroded seal and I chewed the crap out of them with vice trying to get them off.
I did a little reading and decided I should really crack my forks open and clean them out a bit. I'm riding an 81 xs1100 standard with 24K miles. I wouldn't say it had been well maintained by the previous owner.
There was no air pressure in either fork. I had a heck of a time getting the fork caps off.
I'm thinking I might put in the progressive springs and figure while I'm here I might as well replace the fork seals (though they weren't leaking or anything).
I wonder if my fork caps are in too rough of shape to put back in. If I put in the progressives (eliminating the need for air) are there other fork caps I can use that will fit this model?
If this works, this will be a pick of my fork caps. Very corroded seal and I chewed the crap out of them with vice trying to get them off.
