I don't quite grok how you've got everything wired up. Do you still have any 1157 dual-filament bulbs installed or is everything separated out into single-filament 1156-LER and 1156-LED?
Do the Signals (even if they don't flash) and Running lights work correctly if you use the stock Self-Cancel computer and the 3-pole flasher or is that already embedded in the far wall of the garage somewhere?
If you've got a mix of LEDs and LERs for the Tail, Running, and Signal lights, the LERs aren't polarized. They can backfeed to other parts of the same circuit, or a different circuit, if a ground or socket gets flaky and pour the juice through the LEDs in the correct direction even if the the LEDs are polarized.
I don't quite grok how you've got everything wired up. Do you still have any 1157 dual-filament bulbs installed or is everything separated out into single-filament 1156-LER and 1156-LED?
Do the Signals (even if they don't flash) and Running lights work correctly if you use the stock Self-Cancel computer and the 3-pole flasher or is that already embedded in the far wall of the garage somewhere?

If you've got a mix of LEDs and LERs for the Tail, Running, and Signal lights, the LERs aren't polarized. They can backfeed to other parts of the same circuit, or a different circuit, if a ground or socket gets flaky and pour the juice through the LEDs in the correct direction even if the the LEDs are polarized.