when i was tearing my engine down for rebuild i removed the pickup coil and then the governer. the governer is the trigger for the ignition and it is held in place with a pin in the crankshaft and a boss cut into the back of the governer then bolted solidly to the crank. this keeps it from spinning freely on the crank. well the pin was sheered off in the crank and the governer was off timing by a hair. this pin is the hardest chunk of metal i've ever tried to remove. of corse what was left of the pin was work hardened so that made it worse. out came the dremmel and a carbide ball bit, it has to be carbide. 2 hours later the broken pin is gone, now, what do you use for a new pin? yamaha doesn't even list it as a part, only as part of the crank. a drill bit is made of hss, cut it to length and put it in. i found a #20 bit has enough interference fit to hold it in place. is this a common problem with this bike? has anyone else had this happen to them?
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broken ignition pin