Went for a 60 mile test ride after changing valve shims, and the on board analog voltmeter never moved above 12 1/2 volts. It's always been around 13 1/2 or 14 volts when underway. This feels like a problem, I want my missing volt back.
During the valve shim swap job, I did unfasten the ballast resistor and the RLU. Also tugged on the pickup coil wires looking for a broken wire there, as I hadn't noticed that I forgot to reconnect one fuel valve vacuum line, so it initially ran on 2 cylinders.
Also changed handlebars to Goldwing bars, so had to swap all that stuff over. Rerouted control cables.
Battery is walmart 2 yrs old, fluids at correct levels. Geezer's rectifier installed.
This problem is probably related to the work I just did, as it always ran right til I messed with it. So where do I look for the missing volt?
During the valve shim swap job, I did unfasten the ballast resistor and the RLU. Also tugged on the pickup coil wires looking for a broken wire there, as I hadn't noticed that I forgot to reconnect one fuel valve vacuum line, so it initially ran on 2 cylinders.

Also changed handlebars to Goldwing bars, so had to swap all that stuff over. Rerouted control cables.
Battery is walmart 2 yrs old, fluids at correct levels. Geezer's rectifier installed.
This problem is probably related to the work I just did, as it always ran right til I messed with it. So where do I look for the missing volt?
