So now I am some '80 special carbs with stock jets. Got it to idle very well, can even start it with the kicker!
The problem is that I have a miss fire over 2,000 rpm. It responds to throttle very well, but if I hold it at say 4,000 I can hear it sputtering. Not terrible, but it;s there. It sounded to me just like it does when your about to run out of fuel. So last night I lowered the float heights to 21.75mm to see if that would help. It was almost midnight when I started it up to check it and I really didn't notice a change, better or worse.
Does anyone have any tips? It has the same miss all the way up to redline, but doesn't have any hesitation. I am noticing the miksfire with a load even. Like I say it isn't horrible, but if it's lean I don't even want to go down the highway at 4000 with it like this.

Does anyone have any tips? It has the same miss all the way up to redline, but doesn't have any hesitation. I am noticing the miksfire with a load even. Like I say it isn't horrible, but if it's lean I don't even want to go down the highway at 4000 with it like this.