Before I go through the carbs once more I thought a second opinion would be smart!
This bike sat for 15 years so I cleaned the VERY dirty carbs and changed the oil. All looks ok with the carbs, diaphragms are fine. I put the carbs back on without the airbox initially to see if it would run. Started up and idled fine. Took it for a quick run down the street and it screamed! However, right after that it began to bog heavily and without full choke would'nt of made it back. This appears to be the pattern. Next day ran fine breifly then would bog badly. I figured if the carbs were at fault then it would run poorly from the beginning. Might a vacuum problem exist or could the carbs still be the issue?
This bike sat for 15 years so I cleaned the VERY dirty carbs and changed the oil. All looks ok with the carbs, diaphragms are fine. I put the carbs back on without the airbox initially to see if it would run. Started up and idled fine. Took it for a quick run down the street and it screamed! However, right after that it began to bog heavily and without full choke would'nt of made it back. This appears to be the pattern. Next day ran fine breifly then would bog badly. I figured if the carbs were at fault then it would run poorly from the beginning. Might a vacuum problem exist or could the carbs still be the issue?