bike has been really hard to start but once going works fine and lots of power.. sometimes she use to hesitate so i figured it was carbs dirty. i also added half liter of oil for 710km's so i was thinking that maybe rings bad so to ease my mind i check the compression and #3 was lower..
#1- 135
#2- 135
#3- 120
#4- 135
is it possible that my valve lash could be causing this little amount of difference although that dont explain the oil, i still aiming towards rings on #3. what are the next steps to look for before stripping her down?
#1- 135
#2- 135
#3- 120
#4- 135
is it possible that my valve lash could be causing this little amount of difference although that dont explain the oil, i still aiming towards rings on #3. what are the next steps to look for before stripping her down?