Got it
Picked the parts bike Friday and paid 200 for it. It looks rough but the compression was equal across all 4 cylinders. I will be pull the engine out of it this coming weekend to clean and get painted. There is a bit of oxidation which tells me that the protective coating and paint is not there anymore, so I will scrub and paint black and polish the fins and then get it installed in my bike and get it running. I plan on doing an oil change, then a seafoam washing and then another oil change. Should take care of cleaning the engine out. Wish me luck! If anyone wants to join the fun, I am just outside of Charlotte, NC!
Picked the parts bike Friday and paid 200 for it. It looks rough but the compression was equal across all 4 cylinders. I will be pull the engine out of it this coming weekend to clean and get painted. There is a bit of oxidation which tells me that the protective coating and paint is not there anymore, so I will scrub and paint black and polish the fins and then get it installed in my bike and get it running. I plan on doing an oil change, then a seafoam washing and then another oil change. Should take care of cleaning the engine out. Wish me luck! If anyone wants to join the fun, I am just outside of Charlotte, NC!