Thanks – crazy steve, JeffH, bikerphil, TopCatGr58, DiverRay, BA80, EricHa, any everyone else that has contributed to the excellent technical info on this forum!
I thought you might like to see some progress, 1st the carbs!
Before… Not only do they look like crap but they also work like crap. Gas oozing out of every orifice, backfiring, lousy idle, etc.
After… Still waiting on some parts (pilot jets, floats, o-rings for T’s)
Not sure how they will work yet…
But they sure look A LOT better…
I couldn’t have done it without all the help of the XS community. Thanks.
Today, I changed the middle and final gear oil, the oil, installed new intake boots…
…and greased the driveshaft.
I was getting a little discouraged because this little job has turned into a full blown project! Every time I went out to work on the bike I end up finding 5 more things that need to be done. To top it off, my bike looks like hell, she hasn’t seen a rag cleaning her up in years. I decided to begin that little job and like everything else, one thing leads to another (I need to polish the chrome, wait the aluminum looks bad – I need to polish that, wait the header pipes have rust – I need to tackle that, etc. etc…). Here is the right exhaust pipe – before…
And, here is the left – after (1st pass – more to do)…
The front fender cleaned up nicely (but more to do)…
Still to do before I get to ride. Check valve clearance, replace brake fluid and pads, change front fork oil, finish carbs (when parts arrive), set float height, bench sync, install carbs, reasssemble fuel valves (cleaned them out – nothing broken just filthy), de-rust inside of gas tank, install new fuel and vacume lines, finish building sync tool, sync carbs, finish polishing and waxing, reinstall faring / bags.
Whew.. when I list all that I may finish by the 4th, I hope…
Well thanks again..
Thanks – crazy steve, JeffH, bikerphil, TopCatGr58, DiverRay, BA80, EricHa, any everyone else that has contributed to the excellent technical info on this forum!
I thought you might like to see some progress, 1st the carbs!
Before… Not only do they look like crap but they also work like crap. Gas oozing out of every orifice, backfiring, lousy idle, etc.
After… Still waiting on some parts (pilot jets, floats, o-rings for T’s)
Not sure how they will work yet…
But they sure look A LOT better…
I couldn’t have done it without all the help of the XS community. Thanks.
Today, I changed the middle and final gear oil, the oil, installed new intake boots…
…and greased the driveshaft.
I was getting a little discouraged because this little job has turned into a full blown project! Every time I went out to work on the bike I end up finding 5 more things that need to be done. To top it off, my bike looks like hell, she hasn’t seen a rag cleaning her up in years. I decided to begin that little job and like everything else, one thing leads to another (I need to polish the chrome, wait the aluminum looks bad – I need to polish that, wait the header pipes have rust – I need to tackle that, etc. etc…). Here is the right exhaust pipe – before…
And, here is the left – after (1st pass – more to do)…
The front fender cleaned up nicely (but more to do)…
Still to do before I get to ride. Check valve clearance, replace brake fluid and pads, change front fork oil, finish carbs (when parts arrive), set float height, bench sync, install carbs, reasssemble fuel valves (cleaned them out – nothing broken just filthy), de-rust inside of gas tank, install new fuel and vacume lines, finish building sync tool, sync carbs, finish polishing and waxing, reinstall faring / bags.
Whew.. when I list all that I may finish by the 4th, I hope…
Well thanks again..