Hey all!!
Last week I was successful in putting the carbs back together which allowed me to mount them and replace all the fuel lines (they were hardened and brittle).
So she runs (I put on about 100km today
), but she can definitely run better. Idle is still a little rough and choke will kill the engine (both choke settings). I can't start her on choke and when I do get her going (sans choke) then switch it to choke: the RPM's will momentarily rise (~+1000RPM) then drop to dead. Any ideas? Mixture screws too rich? When cleaning I didn't pull the choke slide yet I am pretty sure I had carb cleaner flowing through the channels there. Please ask away
I made a little video for you guys:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/O9K_JO8rB-E" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I believe the audio in the video makes the bike sound a little rougher than she is in reality; mmm.. perhaps I'm just biased though
Mixture screws are two turns from seated and the carbs have not been synced. This leads me to another question: which should come first, mixture screw adjusting or carb sync?
Some pics:

Last week I was successful in putting the carbs back together which allowed me to mount them and replace all the fuel lines (they were hardened and brittle).
So she runs (I put on about 100km today

I made a little video for you guys:
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/O9K_JO8rB-E" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I believe the audio in the video makes the bike sound a little rougher than she is in reality; mmm.. perhaps I'm just biased though

Mixture screws are two turns from seated and the carbs have not been synced. This leads me to another question: which should come first, mixture screw adjusting or carb sync?
Some pics:
