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Okay Fitz,
Before you go tearing the bike apart, although you said you already took out the engine, which really wasn't/isn't necessary, you will want to do a search in the tech tips regarding engine, 1st and 2nd gear problem/ dremmel repair. The Xj's seem to loose their 1st gear, whereas the earlier models seem to loose their 2nd gear, but can also loose 1st. The dogs and slots get worn down and rounded off, they are not undercut(like a dovetail joint)at the factory and so once they round off enough, they will not stay engaged, keep hopping in and out.....sound familiar!?
I haven't finished a walkthru repair of the 1st and 2nd gears that I have in the works for this site, but I have it on another site....The Yahoo groups site. Sounds like you're not afraid to tear into it, so you can probably do the repair vs. spending lots of $$ to buy new gears to replace the damaged ones!
GO to this section of XS11.com, the tech tips Transmission repair, and read the articles.
Tranny Tech TIps
Then drop me a line PM or Email, and I can tell you where there are plenty of pictures and a walkthru for this repair!!
T.C.T. C. Gresham
81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
History shows again and again,
How nature points out the folly of men!