Greeting all.
Yes. I'm still trying to track down way I do not get a spark. I cleaned all the connections, it gets voltage where it should, handlebar switch has been cleaned (again), etc. I'm pretty sure that at this point the igition circuits are oaky, but I started wondering about possible grounds. Leads to a question:
When I unplug the brown wires from the fuse box (thanks TC) and do a general continuity check I found that brown wires feeding the fuse box (all three brown wires) show a complete path to ground (one meter probe to frame, other to brown wires). It is the same with key on or off. I kinda throught this was odd, but I admit that I'm still on the learning curve for all aspects on this electrical system. From what I see, the brown wires go to the key switch, with only taps to the regulator and alternator. When I disconnect the plug with brown wire to the regulator, the continuity stops and only comes on when the key is turned to the on position. When I removed the wire to the alternator with the regulator plugged back in, the ground returns, so I'm pretty sure the regulator is the source. Now, is this normal??? I also noticed that the headlight comes on even when you are just trying to kick start the bike - not even running - just one kick. Again, seems odd as the alternator couldn't be putting out much of anything at the point to close the relay.
Okay - I'm already a bit wordy, but I wanted to share all that I know in the hopes one of you smart folks may have any thoughts.
Yes. I'm still trying to track down way I do not get a spark. I cleaned all the connections, it gets voltage where it should, handlebar switch has been cleaned (again), etc. I'm pretty sure that at this point the igition circuits are oaky, but I started wondering about possible grounds. Leads to a question:
When I unplug the brown wires from the fuse box (thanks TC) and do a general continuity check I found that brown wires feeding the fuse box (all three brown wires) show a complete path to ground (one meter probe to frame, other to brown wires). It is the same with key on or off. I kinda throught this was odd, but I admit that I'm still on the learning curve for all aspects on this electrical system. From what I see, the brown wires go to the key switch, with only taps to the regulator and alternator. When I disconnect the plug with brown wire to the regulator, the continuity stops and only comes on when the key is turned to the on position. When I removed the wire to the alternator with the regulator plugged back in, the ground returns, so I'm pretty sure the regulator is the source. Now, is this normal??? I also noticed that the headlight comes on even when you are just trying to kick start the bike - not even running - just one kick. Again, seems odd as the alternator couldn't be putting out much of anything at the point to close the relay.
Okay - I'm already a bit wordy, but I wanted to share all that I know in the hopes one of you smart folks may have any thoughts.