Brought the bike home today. It's lived in WI since new. At one point it's original owner died and it sat in a barn for 15 years. Then the owner's brother took it and eventually used it to pay for a vehicle repair bill he didn't have cash for which landed it with the guy I bought it from today.
Odometer has not hit 10k yet, I've already gone for a ride. The side stand switch was sticking when I picked it up so after getting it home I pulled the boot down and soaked it with WD40 and now that's working. Runs pretty good, doesn't have the torque my Honda 1800 Vtwin has but above 4000 rpm is something my Honda doesn't do well but this one is like flipping a light switch on.
Plan to drain all fluids and lube the cables. Rear tire and battery are new, front needs replaced.

Odometer has not hit 10k yet, I've already gone for a ride. The side stand switch was sticking when I picked it up so after getting it home I pulled the boot down and soaked it with WD40 and now that's working. Runs pretty good, doesn't have the torque my Honda 1800 Vtwin has but above 4000 rpm is something my Honda doesn't do well but this one is like flipping a light switch on.
Plan to drain all fluids and lube the cables. Rear tire and battery are new, front needs replaced.
