First off, HEY!
I bought a 1979 XS1100 Standard a few weeks back from a guy in Arkansas (right outside of Memphis, TN). He had it listed on craigslist for $300 for several weeks and wasn't selling it. I called him up and went to go look at it. When I got there it was in a VERY sketchy neighborhood. Pretty sure 3 or 4 drug deals went down in the house across the street in the 45min we were there. When I got out I just wanted to go look at it quick and get out of there before I was caught in cross fire, but I started looking at it and it looked like it was in pretty good shape, the PO looked like he took care of it and did regular maintenance. He said he stopped ridding it about a year ago. The story he told was the starter button broke (the little plastic button) so he put in push button to start it with. Some where along the line it fried the wiring to the fuse block and he stopped riding it. He started to fix the wiring (took out the old fuse box anyway) and said it was too much for him to play with and was now selling it. There was an old fuse wrapped aluminum fold in the place for the spare fuse so I'm thinking that maybe he had that in several other fuses and that is what cause the wiring to fry. Anyway...I told him I'd take a shot at it and see what I could do, he gave me four other racks of carbs, another starter (not sure if its new or not), Four rebuild kits for 79 carbs, an extra tank for a special(rusty holes for the petcock but clean inside), some misc parts for the carbs, the standard seat (I think its for a standard anyway), a king and queen seat, a service manual, and bags and a fairing for a special. Not too bad of a deal if you ask me. It does have the tank, carbs, and octopus like a special would. Not sure why he changed them over to that mess as I'd rather have everything from a standard anyway.
First thing I did was order new starter and horn buttons ($12 shipped). Then I took off the carbs and took them inside and cleaned them up over the next few weeks (took so long cause it was during finals). I got a new fuse block and wired that in, and replaced the battery (old one wouldn't even think about taking a charge).
Good news is it turned over as soon as I hit the switch, all four plugs have spark, and the oil pressure is building fine. Also the coil pick up wires seem to be new, everything looked really clean down there and they didn't seem to stretch when I pulled on them.
Bad news is it wont run. It will fire on one or two of the cylinders, but thats it. I had it studdering under its own power for a second but thats it. The only way I could get it to do anything is leave the throttle closed and open the enrichment valve half way. Most of the time it will only hit two or three times then not do anything. I've taken off the carbs and re taken them apart, checked the float levels, taken off the octopus and replaced it with fuel lines running straight to the carbs and plugged the vacuum port on the carbs to get rid of that problem.
Here are my thoughts. Because it is only firing with the throttle closed and the choke half way open that would tell me it is running lean. I have the stock air filter and snorkel as well as the stock exhaust on it. I did take out the idle mixture screw, but reset it to 1.25 turns out when I put it back together. All the carbs have the float heights set to the standards in the clymer manual as previously stated.
Question is this: Am I correct in thinking it is not getting enough gas and that is why it is not running? Would something else simple cause this? Because it was running when he fried the wiring (or so I'm told) I am assuming it is in time enough that it would fire and run some what. Could there be something I am missing when I cleaned the carbs? One other thing to note, I have yet to completely clean the tank out (it has some rust as well as varnish in it, but fuel still flows freely), I was hoping to get it running before I spent alot of time and money on fixing it up nice. Could the petcocks be clogged enough so that it wouldn't flow enough gas or is that not probable at an idle? Any ideas on why it wouldn't be running? Most help is appreciated.
PS: I've been reading these forums non-stop for the past month or so trying to learn what makes these bikes tick and so forth and have gone back and read most of the posts in the repair, maintenance, and modification sections. Lots of good info on there.
Below are pictures of the bike.

This is how I bought it.

What a mess

That was easily fixed...

Pretty sure these aren't the stock carbs.
Here is a link to the rest of the pictures.
EDIT: Sorry, I didn't realize this was such a long post...
I bought a 1979 XS1100 Standard a few weeks back from a guy in Arkansas (right outside of Memphis, TN). He had it listed on craigslist for $300 for several weeks and wasn't selling it. I called him up and went to go look at it. When I got there it was in a VERY sketchy neighborhood. Pretty sure 3 or 4 drug deals went down in the house across the street in the 45min we were there. When I got out I just wanted to go look at it quick and get out of there before I was caught in cross fire, but I started looking at it and it looked like it was in pretty good shape, the PO looked like he took care of it and did regular maintenance. He said he stopped ridding it about a year ago. The story he told was the starter button broke (the little plastic button) so he put in push button to start it with. Some where along the line it fried the wiring to the fuse block and he stopped riding it. He started to fix the wiring (took out the old fuse box anyway) and said it was too much for him to play with and was now selling it. There was an old fuse wrapped aluminum fold in the place for the spare fuse so I'm thinking that maybe he had that in several other fuses and that is what cause the wiring to fry. Anyway...I told him I'd take a shot at it and see what I could do, he gave me four other racks of carbs, another starter (not sure if its new or not), Four rebuild kits for 79 carbs, an extra tank for a special(rusty holes for the petcock but clean inside), some misc parts for the carbs, the standard seat (I think its for a standard anyway), a king and queen seat, a service manual, and bags and a fairing for a special. Not too bad of a deal if you ask me. It does have the tank, carbs, and octopus like a special would. Not sure why he changed them over to that mess as I'd rather have everything from a standard anyway.
First thing I did was order new starter and horn buttons ($12 shipped). Then I took off the carbs and took them inside and cleaned them up over the next few weeks (took so long cause it was during finals). I got a new fuse block and wired that in, and replaced the battery (old one wouldn't even think about taking a charge).
Good news is it turned over as soon as I hit the switch, all four plugs have spark, and the oil pressure is building fine. Also the coil pick up wires seem to be new, everything looked really clean down there and they didn't seem to stretch when I pulled on them.
Bad news is it wont run. It will fire on one or two of the cylinders, but thats it. I had it studdering under its own power for a second but thats it. The only way I could get it to do anything is leave the throttle closed and open the enrichment valve half way. Most of the time it will only hit two or three times then not do anything. I've taken off the carbs and re taken them apart, checked the float levels, taken off the octopus and replaced it with fuel lines running straight to the carbs and plugged the vacuum port on the carbs to get rid of that problem.
Here are my thoughts. Because it is only firing with the throttle closed and the choke half way open that would tell me it is running lean. I have the stock air filter and snorkel as well as the stock exhaust on it. I did take out the idle mixture screw, but reset it to 1.25 turns out when I put it back together. All the carbs have the float heights set to the standards in the clymer manual as previously stated.
Question is this: Am I correct in thinking it is not getting enough gas and that is why it is not running? Would something else simple cause this? Because it was running when he fried the wiring (or so I'm told) I am assuming it is in time enough that it would fire and run some what. Could there be something I am missing when I cleaned the carbs? One other thing to note, I have yet to completely clean the tank out (it has some rust as well as varnish in it, but fuel still flows freely), I was hoping to get it running before I spent alot of time and money on fixing it up nice. Could the petcocks be clogged enough so that it wouldn't flow enough gas or is that not probable at an idle? Any ideas on why it wouldn't be running? Most help is appreciated.
PS: I've been reading these forums non-stop for the past month or so trying to learn what makes these bikes tick and so forth and have gone back and read most of the posts in the repair, maintenance, and modification sections. Lots of good info on there.
Below are pictures of the bike.

This is how I bought it.

What a mess

That was easily fixed...

Pretty sure these aren't the stock carbs.
Here is a link to the rest of the pictures.
EDIT: Sorry, I didn't realize this was such a long post...