1st, question. My SF was running great, thanks to many
Today, went to get robbed again at the grocery store (LOL) and a little backfire or poping, if you will, on decelaration / down shifting. Not bad but
I don't run it hard, I think, not hard enough
Just cleaned plugs, new plug caps, carb rebuild, sync, adj etc. Could it be, I just need to run it harder
I ride like an old man most of the time (can't afford tickets, lossing Lic. broken bones etc
2nd, Babes, a sincere apology to any and all who I may have offeneded with my pic's. I tend to try to help people laugh
Not thinking of politicly correct behavior. Today on the news, some want to ban Rudolf the Red nose raindear because it is offencive to kids with disabilites. Not making fun, My dad was in a wheel chair after serving most of his life as a law enforcment officer. I have dyslexia (as many on here have poked fun at my disabilty and my inabilty to spell sometimes) I am used to it, and leared to live with the offences, I do the best I can
What I am saying, is we all don't understand what offendes others, but I hope we can all be understanding of that and each other. I love the jokes some of you guys (and gals) add to your posts, I will do my best to keep mine as non offencive as I can out of respect to all, but hope I can add some humor that ALL enjoy from time to time

2nd, Babes, a sincere apology to any and all who I may have offeneded with my pic's. I tend to try to help people laugh
