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Aircraft striper question

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  • Aircraft striper question

    I need to use some aluminum aircraft striper on my LG motor so I can repaint to make it look nicer. The temp here is well beolw the recomendation on the can.
    My plan is to take it outside (it and the rest of the pieces of the bike are in the house, yes all the pieces with a fresh powder coat on them) while it is warm from being inside and give it a quick once over, and repeat if nessesary.
    Does anyone know if I can get away with this or must I wait for warm weather next Spring?

    1980 XS1100LG Midnight special
    1982 XV750J Virago
    1976 GL1000
    1978 GL1000 Supercharged
    1981 XV920RH (chain drive)

  • #2
    Look on the label and see if it has methylene chloride as an ingrediant.
    If it does, be advised that that stuff smells. Remember Zep parts cleaner from years ago? Thats what Methylene Chloride smells like.
    Take it outside.
    Now, as far as temperature goes, heat speeds up the chemical reaction. Heat also vaporizes the volatiles, rendering the stuff inert. So one way you lose, and the other way you gain.
    I have had luck with putting on the remover, (is that an oxymoron?) and covering the whole thing with Saran Wrap, to slow down the evaporation. Then just let it work. A flood light will impart a bit of infra red through the wrap, and warm up the metal inside the wrap. Or, setting it in a sheltered place with direct sunlight on it might warm it up a bit.
    Depending on the composition of the remover, and the paint, it may take a while to soften the paint. Check the remover after a half hour, depending on the temperature, and see if it is still moist. You may have to make multiple applications.
    Depending on your location, and standing in the community, you might get by with doing it at the high pressure car wash, using the hot soapy water to rinse it all off, and leaving the residue mess for the owner to clean up.
    Most removers will wash off with water, so if you get some on you, wash it off immediately.
    NO huffing! CZ


    • #3
      Striper question


      Thanks for the reply. Yes this striper has all the good stuff in it.
      It is called Tal Strip ll, made by mar-hyde. And I have absolutely no intention of doing this in the house. I'll give it a shot on Saturday.

      Thanks again,
      1980 XS1100LG Midnight special
      1982 XV750J Virago
      1976 GL1000
      1978 GL1000 Supercharged
      1981 XV920RH (chain drive)


      • #4
        I used that stripper on my fork lowers but would not really use it on the engine. A soft (bronze) wire whell/brush on a drill will get most of it off and get it ready for paint rather than the harsh chemicals, that who knows what they'll do to oyur seals and gaskets.. ??
        1980G Standard, Restored
        Kerker 4 - 1
        850 Rear End Mod
        2-21 Flashing LED Arrays on either side of license plate for Brake Light Assist, 1100 Lumen Cree Aux Lights,
        Progressive springs, Showa rear shocks
        Automatic CCT
        1980GH Special, Restored
        Stock Exhaust, New Handlebars, 1" Spacer in Fork Springs, Automatic CCT, Showa Rear Shocks
        '82 XJ1100 (Sold)
        Automatic CCT, RC Engineering 4 X 1 Exhaust, K&N Pods, #50 Pilot Jets, YICS Eliminator. Sorely missed.

