I'm the original owner of this bike and really don't want to give up, but......A mechanic is doing the work (I'm too dam old and blind to do it anymore) and between us cost and time involved keep going up without results. Seems like multiple issues here but they sure are hard to isolate.
After cleaning the carbs, rebuilding the fuse box, new vacuum lines, checked all places of possible vacuum leaks, changing the pickup coil wires, and reading thru everything I could find on this site the 1&4 are still dropping out. Spliced the advance wires about 3/4" from the coil fearing damage if I got any closer.
Measuring resistance across the P/U coils gives about 70K ohms on one and 80K on the other and doesn't vary when you wiggle the wires or turn the advance. When you open the throttle fast or slowly you can hear the chug a chug missing and see the advance working, but when you hold the advance and open the throttle the rpm jumps with no missing.
I'm looking for the next logical step:
Change out P/U coil assy? Are the 78 thru 81 P/U coil assemblies interchangeable? Change ign coils? Change the CDI box?
Has anyone changed an early model to the 81 or later ignition. If so, how involved was it? Bolt on or many mods required?
This bike has been my regular ride since 78 and has been kept OEM with good maintaining but this one really has me stumped and chasing an unknown with more money is getting old fast.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
After cleaning the carbs, rebuilding the fuse box, new vacuum lines, checked all places of possible vacuum leaks, changing the pickup coil wires, and reading thru everything I could find on this site the 1&4 are still dropping out. Spliced the advance wires about 3/4" from the coil fearing damage if I got any closer.
Measuring resistance across the P/U coils gives about 70K ohms on one and 80K on the other and doesn't vary when you wiggle the wires or turn the advance. When you open the throttle fast or slowly you can hear the chug a chug missing and see the advance working, but when you hold the advance and open the throttle the rpm jumps with no missing.
I'm looking for the next logical step:
Change out P/U coil assy? Are the 78 thru 81 P/U coil assemblies interchangeable? Change ign coils? Change the CDI box?
Has anyone changed an early model to the 81 or later ignition. If so, how involved was it? Bolt on or many mods required?
This bike has been my regular ride since 78 and has been kept OEM with good maintaining but this one really has me stumped and chasing an unknown with more money is getting old fast.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.