OK, I "had" a brand new in the box OEM complet master cyl and decided to sell it on Ebay as mine worked fine
A few weeks after I sold it, mine started leaking from the plunger input shaft

Murphy's Law, right. So I took it apart and cleaned it well, took super fine scotchbright and shined it like chrome inside, put it back togather with the old plungers, and it leaked
Took it back apart, cleaned again, checked for scuffs, bought a new rebuild kit, put it back togather, and it is leaking, same place

I used top of the line synthetic Dot 3&4 grade fluid and blead both front calipers, any thoughts. I have done thousands or break jobs on cars and some bikes, rebuilt calipers, wheel cyl's master cyls, did it for a living for years, I am starting to beleive this bike is cursed
