I recently solved an ignition problem. After riding the bike several miles I would lose all ignition. It was difficult to find the cause at first since it took longer for the problem to appear and would dissapear quickly. Gradually got worse making it easier to find.
Well I finally tracked it down to the upper pick up coil. I turned my bike upside down and inside out looking for a broken wire.
I was lucky enough to have a spares. In looking through a couple of spare engines I found a second set whose upper pick up coil was also bad.
I know that on mine it was defintely the coil and it was intermitient. This has me thinking that maybe it is the attachment of the wires to the coil since; I do not see a coil winding working and then not working (maybe it can).
So I studied both sets how they are attached an I noticed the lower coils have a clamp where the wires attach. I think it was to aim the wires but; maybe it also acts like a stress relief.

Just wondering how many of you guys experianced an upper pick up coil problem.
PS. have ridden the bike 170 miles without incident.
Well I finally tracked it down to the upper pick up coil. I turned my bike upside down and inside out looking for a broken wire.
I was lucky enough to have a spares. In looking through a couple of spare engines I found a second set whose upper pick up coil was also bad.
I know that on mine it was defintely the coil and it was intermitient. This has me thinking that maybe it is the attachment of the wires to the coil since; I do not see a coil winding working and then not working (maybe it can).
So I studied both sets how they are attached an I noticed the lower coils have a clamp where the wires attach. I think it was to aim the wires but; maybe it also acts like a stress relief.

Just wondering how many of you guys experianced an upper pick up coil problem.
PS. have ridden the bike 170 miles without incident.