This is probably something that should fit in the modifications section, but it doesn't seem like many people use that section and I was afraid no one would see if I posted there. Apologies to the mods for posting out of category, but my question is this. I was reading a thread on XJBikes where the person posting had taken the front end off a virago, and the rear wheel as well and was thereby able to run a larger rear tire and the wire wheels off the virago and also increased the rake as a result. My question is, has anyone tried this on an 1100? From what was posted in the other thread it seems that the head bearings on my XJ1100 and on an XV1100 but I don't know how much that would help me and unless I'm mistaken the XV1100 didn't use wire wheels. Anyone put wire wheels on an 82 XJ1100, or know what it would take to do so? I'm planning to make some changes to mine over the winter and would LOVE to be able to put wire wheels on it, and especially a fatter rear tire. A little more rake would be nice as well, though it's not as big of a priority for me.
Thanks in advance for any and all comments.
Here's a link to the thread I was talking about.
Thanks in advance for any and all comments.
Here's a link to the thread I was talking about.