Hey guys,
I went in and cleaned the carbs on my 80 xs11 special. the float valve assemblys were destroyed by the PO, and the idle mixture screws were broken off in 2-4. got them out by pressing them out with a short bit of a #60 drill bit. i ordered 4 carb kits the piolt and main jets in the k&l kits were numbersed the same as what came out of the carbs. I bench synced the carbs. and the idle screws are 2 1/2 turns out.
the bike seems to only be running on the #1 cylinder. 2-4 pipes are cold. only idles for a couple seconds on full choke. Got snappy blue spark on all 4. is the new main and piolt jet to blame?
I went in and cleaned the carbs on my 80 xs11 special. the float valve assemblys were destroyed by the PO, and the idle mixture screws were broken off in 2-4. got them out by pressing them out with a short bit of a #60 drill bit. i ordered 4 carb kits the piolt and main jets in the k&l kits were numbersed the same as what came out of the carbs. I bench synced the carbs. and the idle screws are 2 1/2 turns out.
the bike seems to only be running on the #1 cylinder. 2-4 pipes are cold. only idles for a couple seconds on full choke. Got snappy blue spark on all 4. is the new main and piolt jet to blame?