Ok, here's my dilemma... I'm working on getting my dad's '81 SH running right after it sat forever. Last year we rebuilt the petcocks, replaced the intake boots, changed oil, and all sorts of stuff, but he ended up taking it in to a shop to have the carbs done. He spent around $700, and when he got it back it would finally run, but it wouldn't idle, and it would have to have the choke on.
Now I'm working on it, and found that the inside of the carbs were surprisingly clean, except #3 which had a gummed up main jet. I pulled everything apart and cleaned all the carbs, then put them back together and it still wouldn't idle. Then I realized that the rubber plugs over the pilot jets aren't supposed to be on there. Whoever worked on the carbs at the shop added them and killed the pilot circuit.
I pulled those out and put the carbs back in, and I finally got the bike to idle... kinda. I hooked up my carb synch vacuum gages, got everything syched up, and then went on to the Colortune. This is where it got interesting.
when I pulled the plugs, they were completely black, which I assume was from running with the choke half on everytime it was ridden, but with the Colortune, the colored ring wasn't showing up through most of the pilot screw range, and when it did show up it wasn't really a definite yellow or blue. It was always kinda the same no matter what I did. I checked the tips of the pilot screws, and none of them were broken off. Everything looked really good. I kept adjusting and adjusting each carb with the Colortune, but not seeing any differences, I just went back and set all of the screws at 1 1/4 turns out. This brought the idle up from about 700-800 to the 1000 rpm range.
Then I put all new plugs in the bike, and was going to re-synch, but when I put the gages on the fluid went right up to the very top, and would have gone into the engine if I hadn't killed it first. I adjusted the calibration screws all the way out to lower the fluid level, but even then it shoot straight to the top as soon as I turned the bike back on!
I even adjusted the thumb screw to close the butterflies all the way and tried again, and it was the same thing. What could have happened to up the vacuum pressure that much?
Also, what would cause the lack of the colored ring in the Colortune? I just see the spark jumping the gap most of the time, but when I rev the engine I can get the ring to show up.
Any info would be incredibly helpful.
(main jets are all 110's)
(pilot jets are all 42.5's)
(air jets are all 185's... I think. They were hard to read)

Now I'm working on it, and found that the inside of the carbs were surprisingly clean, except #3 which had a gummed up main jet. I pulled everything apart and cleaned all the carbs, then put them back together and it still wouldn't idle. Then I realized that the rubber plugs over the pilot jets aren't supposed to be on there. Whoever worked on the carbs at the shop added them and killed the pilot circuit.

when I pulled the plugs, they were completely black, which I assume was from running with the choke half on everytime it was ridden, but with the Colortune, the colored ring wasn't showing up through most of the pilot screw range, and when it did show up it wasn't really a definite yellow or blue. It was always kinda the same no matter what I did. I checked the tips of the pilot screws, and none of them were broken off. Everything looked really good. I kept adjusting and adjusting each carb with the Colortune, but not seeing any differences, I just went back and set all of the screws at 1 1/4 turns out. This brought the idle up from about 700-800 to the 1000 rpm range.
Then I put all new plugs in the bike, and was going to re-synch, but when I put the gages on the fluid went right up to the very top, and would have gone into the engine if I hadn't killed it first. I adjusted the calibration screws all the way out to lower the fluid level, but even then it shoot straight to the top as soon as I turned the bike back on!

Also, what would cause the lack of the colored ring in the Colortune? I just see the spark jumping the gap most of the time, but when I rev the engine I can get the ring to show up.
Any info would be incredibly helpful.
(main jets are all 110's)
(pilot jets are all 42.5's)
(air jets are all 185's... I think. They were hard to read)