I've fiddled, I adjusted, I've read other topics here, and I'm still not 100% positive what's up with my engine. Here's the deal.
I'll start the motorcycle up, and (once it warms up) it runs fine. However, after about 10/15 minutes, it seems to get leaner the longer I ride. For example, when I decelerate the first few times it'll pop a bit, nothing big. As time goes on, however, it'll start to pop more, and louder, becoming full-on backfires after about 20 minutes.
What's really strange is that, eventually, (while at speed) it'll start to bog down- almost like I've dropped a cylinder. My first instinct would be to check the pickup coil wires (which I will, once the motor cools down), but I've been doing a LOT of work down there lately. I've pulled the cover 3 or 4 times now, and at this point nearly EVERYTHING is insulated, wires and internals both. I'm just wondering if it's fuel-related.
I've had inline fuel filters installed for a while now (two years, ever since I had MAJOR carb issues when I bought it). Would it be possible that these are getting gummed up- letting enough fuel through when the bike sits to give it a few minutes of good running, but not enough to keep it that way? There HAS been quite a bit of crap running through them, ESPECIALLY when I had my old (rusty) tank. How often should you clean out/replace the filters, anyway?
Well, sirs- whaddya think?
I'll start the motorcycle up, and (once it warms up) it runs fine. However, after about 10/15 minutes, it seems to get leaner the longer I ride. For example, when I decelerate the first few times it'll pop a bit, nothing big. As time goes on, however, it'll start to pop more, and louder, becoming full-on backfires after about 20 minutes.
What's really strange is that, eventually, (while at speed) it'll start to bog down- almost like I've dropped a cylinder. My first instinct would be to check the pickup coil wires (which I will, once the motor cools down), but I've been doing a LOT of work down there lately. I've pulled the cover 3 or 4 times now, and at this point nearly EVERYTHING is insulated, wires and internals both. I'm just wondering if it's fuel-related.
I've had inline fuel filters installed for a while now (two years, ever since I had MAJOR carb issues when I bought it). Would it be possible that these are getting gummed up- letting enough fuel through when the bike sits to give it a few minutes of good running, but not enough to keep it that way? There HAS been quite a bit of crap running through them, ESPECIALLY when I had my old (rusty) tank. How often should you clean out/replace the filters, anyway?
Well, sirs- whaddya think?