Well today was the first day out with the 80XS....goin to work it ran like a champ. Went to leave for work and it ran fine until I got to a stop sign. Started to sputter and kick. Felt the far left pipe and it was warm, but not burnin skin warm like the rest of them. Nursed it back half a block to work and noticed then that that cyl. had a BP5ES and the rest had a BP7ES. So got 4 BP7ES from one of our parts stores who were nice enough to run them to me after their delivery hours (it's not what you always but who). It fired right up and ran great other than some smoke coming from the left pipe which I assume is the un burnt fuel cleaning out as it went away. As I pulled around the shop to rearm the alarm it died, which at first I thought was just because I didn't have it choked. Armed alarm, went to bike....no power, not even a warning light. It didn't show any signs of dead battery when it fired. So at that point I was mad. Unarmed alarm, pushed bike back around to other side of shop and went and got a ride home. Not a good first day of riding on my XS.
Just lost since it ran so great on the way to work.
Just lost since it ran so great on the way to work.