Originally posted by natemoen
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You don't have to readjust anything at all in the final drive if you just take it apart and look at it.
The side cover nuts get 16 ft-lbs of torque and there are no gaskets, just a couple of seals and a large o-ring on the side cover. Remove the side cover and ring gear, take a look inside, clean and re-oil the parts and then use a wood or rawhide mallet to tap the side cover back into the housing and put it back together. Go slowly and tap evenly around the outer edge of the cover so the inner and outer seals don't get pinched or cut.
If for some reason you remove the pinion assembly the whole thing will come out as once piece but if you don't take it apart any further you don't have to check or reset anything.
You do have to put a very light film of Yamabond on the final drive case, the pinion housing, and on however many pinion shims are present so that gear oil doesn't seep out around the joint between the final drive housing and the pinion assembly. It won't hurt anything if you don't use the Yamabond but the final drive might develop a runny nose.
The shims between the pinion housing and the final drive housing are what's used to set the pinion depth, not the pinion nut and bearing preload. If you don't change, add, or remove any of the shims then you don't need to worry about resetting the pinion.