So today did a little sync and got it running better but still having a little backfire out of cyl 4. Did a shakedown cruise and had it purring along about 3500 RPM and suddenly a terrible rattle from the top end. Shut it down and left it on the side of the road and went to find a friend with a trailer... Back home at midnight and pretty disgusted. Thinking it through - it sat outside for six years and probably had the outside intake valve open for years and it has been sticking since it started running again (explains backfire). Finally stuck on a hot engine and kissed the piston.
I guess I'll pull the valve covers and see what the valves look like from the back side then pull the head. Can the head come off in the frame or is it best to remove engine? Some days it's best to stay in bed...
I guess I'll pull the valve covers and see what the valves look like from the back side then pull the head. Can the head come off in the frame or is it best to remove engine? Some days it's best to stay in bed...