I read about a site, www.howmanyleft.co.uk, mentioned in a UK motorcycle newsgroup that apparently uses a limited subset of the UK DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency) data so, of course, I immediately looked for the XS1100.
Yamaha XS1100S
It seems that in the UK there are only 10 licensed and 12 SORN (Statutory Off Road Notification[1]) for the first quarter of 2011 with some still licensed/SORN from 2010.
James, hang on to your XS!
1. In the UK the DVLA must be notified when a vehicle will not be operated on the highway or your tax man will get you in the end.
Yamaha XS1100S
It seems that in the UK there are only 10 licensed and 12 SORN (Statutory Off Road Notification[1]) for the first quarter of 2011 with some still licensed/SORN from 2010.
James, hang on to your XS!
1. In the UK the DVLA must be notified when a vehicle will not be operated on the highway or your tax man will get you in the end.