I've been trolling in the background and gotten some great tips but I don't find anything in the archives on my problem.
Replacing the headlight relay on my 79SF, I shrewdly hooked it up wrong and zapped it into near death by funneling a jolt of AC from the alternator into the DC system.
I turn the key now and get no lights or action from the starter; it seems clear I fried something.
I checked the kill switch for continuity and it works as it should - none when it's on "kill" and continuity when it's on "on"
I opened the ignition switch and found no sign of fire damage.
I checked voltage at fuse box with key turned on and got 12 volts between all the fuse wires and the engine block.
And then my brain turns to oatmeal as the circuits branch and send wires into various modules
Any suggestions for how to approach my problem? Any suggested links that will explain reading and using a schematic? I've read some simple "how-to" articles and they seem straightforward, but I get muddled in all the forking around I see in the XS11 schematic.
Thanks for any tips,
I've been trolling in the background and gotten some great tips but I don't find anything in the archives on my problem.
Replacing the headlight relay on my 79SF, I shrewdly hooked it up wrong and zapped it into near death by funneling a jolt of AC from the alternator into the DC system.
I turn the key now and get no lights or action from the starter; it seems clear I fried something.
I checked the kill switch for continuity and it works as it should - none when it's on "kill" and continuity when it's on "on"
I opened the ignition switch and found no sign of fire damage.
I checked voltage at fuse box with key turned on and got 12 volts between all the fuse wires and the engine block.
And then my brain turns to oatmeal as the circuits branch and send wires into various modules
Any suggestions for how to approach my problem? Any suggested links that will explain reading and using a schematic? I've read some simple "how-to" articles and they seem straightforward, but I get muddled in all the forking around I see in the XS11 schematic.
Thanks for any tips,