The bike was running rough and not using its full range of rpms (it wouldnt get up above about 5k). We determined it was the variable timing and replaced the vacuum part ($90). That didnt fix it so we checked the carbs to make sure we had vacuum. We indeed did. I already replaced the rubber intake boots so i know its not those. When I clamp the vacuum line running to the variable timing I can get it to run right (sometimes). I need help on fixing this problem.
I am not a mechanic and only understand this much because I have a good friend. We are stuck and cant figure out why my variable timing is not working properly. I was told that this device can be switched from a vacuum controlled to a mechanically controled. Is this possible and would this fix my problems?
The bike is an 81' xs 11
I am not a mechanic and only understand this much because I have a good friend. We are stuck and cant figure out why my variable timing is not working properly. I was told that this device can be switched from a vacuum controlled to a mechanically controled. Is this possible and would this fix my problems?
The bike is an 81' xs 11