First, a photo of the rear MC

To fill the MC, do I remove the top three nuts on top of the cap or do I undo the larger bolt below the cap and to the left and fill through there?
I just rehabbed the front right caliper, controlled by the right grip MC and had thought that caliper was the grabbing problem from last year. I'm waiting for caliper paint to come in so that caliper is not installed. I went to push the bike to an area in the garage easier to work in & the bike wouldn't budge though it backed in fine last fall.
Putting it on the center stand, the rear wheel moves freely and applying the rear brake works the caliper as expected. Raising the front wheel, the caliper was locked tight and would not budge. I had to free it by knocking it out with a piece of wood & a mallet. Squeezing the brake with the caliper removed took effort for the front piston to move though the rear was gripped as I pushed and the rear wheel spun freely again when I removed the brake pressure.
So now I'm looking at what to do; It appears the rear caliper is not seized and works fine. It also looks like the front caliper is seized and will take some effort to remove the piston. Since I want to clean & if necessary, rebuild all the calipers; My thought is to now remove the front shoes and keep squeezing out the piston till it's free, adding fluid all along to the MC so I don't start pushing air. When it comes to the rear I can plug the front banjo and squeeze out the rear one easily the same way.
So now the question of the removal of the MC as I'm going to replace the hoses with SS braid hose; It looks like there's two bolts holding the MC in place. After removing those, does the MC come out easily? Is there anything I should do in a particular order to make removing the MC & reinserting it easy? It looks like there's a fair amount of related parts in the MC area & I'd hate to miss something while disassembling or not get it back right during reassembly.
Also, if the rear MC spooge hole is plugged, would the rear caliper work perfectly as it does and the front be seized? Or would both brakes show the seizing issue?

To fill the MC, do I remove the top three nuts on top of the cap or do I undo the larger bolt below the cap and to the left and fill through there?
I just rehabbed the front right caliper, controlled by the right grip MC and had thought that caliper was the grabbing problem from last year. I'm waiting for caliper paint to come in so that caliper is not installed. I went to push the bike to an area in the garage easier to work in & the bike wouldn't budge though it backed in fine last fall.
Putting it on the center stand, the rear wheel moves freely and applying the rear brake works the caliper as expected. Raising the front wheel, the caliper was locked tight and would not budge. I had to free it by knocking it out with a piece of wood & a mallet. Squeezing the brake with the caliper removed took effort for the front piston to move though the rear was gripped as I pushed and the rear wheel spun freely again when I removed the brake pressure.
So now I'm looking at what to do; It appears the rear caliper is not seized and works fine. It also looks like the front caliper is seized and will take some effort to remove the piston. Since I want to clean & if necessary, rebuild all the calipers; My thought is to now remove the front shoes and keep squeezing out the piston till it's free, adding fluid all along to the MC so I don't start pushing air. When it comes to the rear I can plug the front banjo and squeeze out the rear one easily the same way.
So now the question of the removal of the MC as I'm going to replace the hoses with SS braid hose; It looks like there's two bolts holding the MC in place. After removing those, does the MC come out easily? Is there anything I should do in a particular order to make removing the MC & reinserting it easy? It looks like there's a fair amount of related parts in the MC area & I'd hate to miss something while disassembling or not get it back right during reassembly.
Also, if the rear MC spooge hole is plugged, would the rear caliper work perfectly as it does and the front be seized? Or would both brakes show the seizing issue?