The most common cause on the 80+ carbs on what you are describing is NOT the needles!
This is most commonly caused by the o-ring on the needle valve seat, and no amount of fiddling with the needle valve itself will fix that problem without fixing the needle valve seat problem. You can get the o-ring from most auto parts stores although a Napa parts store will be more likely to have a large assortment that would have what you need, HF also has an assortment you can buy that has what you need. When you pull the needle valve seat out of the carb, there is an o-ring around it, that compresses and wears with age and gas leaks around it, and causes case to overflow the carb. It's an easy fix once you get the right sized o-rungs, and many carb kits come with new seats with new o-rings which of course fixes the problem for you.
