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Ignition pickup fix

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  • Ignition pickup fix

    Having read through the posts on this really excellent forum, I found the repeated posts on the pickup wire fracture problem. Although my bike runs perfectly, I thought I would just have a little look at those wires and the bob-weight advance system, behind the pickup coil plate. Just to reassure myself.........

    Guess what? Yep, two of the pickup coil wires had an internal fracture and the 'hourglass' shape when pulled slightly. Also, the mechanical advance was dry of any lubrication and had a slight covering of rust in places.

    I spliced the wires (the other two shorter one are fine), cleaned up the advance and lubricated it where appropriate. I also renewed the bob-weight spring clips and also the spring clip which holds the arm from the vacuum advance onto the coil plate. They were corroded and possibly weakened, so worth doing. I think the two fractures hadn't yet caused an ignition problem but undoubtedly were well on the way to doing so.

    So, thank you everyone who pointed out this fix. The quick repair has probably meant not breaking down somewhere remote or being left stranded at the side of the road!
    XS1100F 1980 European model. Standard. Dyna coils. Iridium plugs. XS750 final drive (sometimes). Micron fork brace. Progressive front springs. Geezer regulator/rectifier. Stainless 4 into 2 exhaust. Auto CCT (Venturer 1300) SOLD. New project now on the go. 1980 European model.

  • #2
    I really think the pickup wires should be added to the "things to look at on a neglected XS" FAQ page.

    μολὼν λαβέ

    1978 XS1100E
    K&N Filter
    #45 pilot Jet, #137.5 Main Jet
    OEM Exhaust
    ATK Fork Brace
    LED Dash lights
    Ammeter, Oil Pressure, Oil Temp, and Volt Meters

    Green Monster Coils
    SS Brake Lines
    Vision 550 Auto Tensioner

    In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.

    Theodore Roosevelt


    • #3
      Originally posted by natemoen View Post
      I really think the pickup wires should be added to the "things to look at on a neglected XS" FAQ page.
      Well, in fact, my own bike is very far from neglected in all other respects and has obviously been looked after well in the past and also by me. I think it's possibly one of the "things to look at on any XS1100 at all" really. I mean, mine looks nice and runs absolutely perfectly. I had a brand new one in 1979 and the one I have now really doesn't feel or sound any different whatsoever. It has no ignition problem symptoms at all, so whilst I've changed the oil and filter every 2,000 miles, replaced the master brake cylinders and caliper seals, plugs, carb rebuild kits from Georgefix etc etc etc.... this one eluded me, quite simply because it had never caused a problem but, as I mentioned, it definitely would have done soon, I think. It's something potentially serious which is so avoidable... sudden loss of a couple of cylinders whilst overtaking sounds pretty bad to me. And all because of two little wires......... Yes, I'm definitely pleased that I worked my way through all the posts, and will continue to do so.
      XS1100F 1980 European model. Standard. Dyna coils. Iridium plugs. XS750 final drive (sometimes). Micron fork brace. Progressive front springs. Geezer regulator/rectifier. Stainless 4 into 2 exhaust. Auto CCT (Venturer 1300) SOLD. New project now on the go. 1980 European model.


      • #4
        I was not saying yours was neglected. I just meant that it should be added to the standard list that everyone is directed to read when they first show up here. Its so common a thing to break it should just be checked right off the bat when you first get the bike home.

        μολὼν λαβέ

        1978 XS1100E
        K&N Filter
        #45 pilot Jet, #137.5 Main Jet
        OEM Exhaust
        ATK Fork Brace
        LED Dash lights
        Ammeter, Oil Pressure, Oil Temp, and Volt Meters

        Green Monster Coils
        SS Brake Lines
        Vision 550 Auto Tensioner

        In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.

        Theodore Roosevelt


        • #5
          Originally posted by natemoen View Post
          I was not saying yours was neglected. I just meant that it should be added to the standard list that everyone is directed to read when they first show up here. Its so common a thing to break it should just be checked right off the bat when you first get the bike home.
          Yes, I realise that you didn't mean I neglect my bike What I mean is...there's a bike that's looked after, with an excessively (forgive the pun) doting owner who lavishes time and money on it (that's me by the way) ... the bike runs great and looks good and yet... there's that pickup wire problem lurking there, unthought of, giving no problems but just waiting to happen......... hence me being grateful to those people on this forum who have pointed it out and how to fix it.

          The next thing I'm hoping I don't need to look at is that transmission problem I've heard so much about but never actually experienced in four XS11's. Somehow, if my bike ever needs it, I think I'd have to remove the entire engine and do it on a bench. I've read the threads re dangling the bike upside down. I daren't... I just daren't!
          Last edited by James England; 10-26-2010, 12:55 AM.
          XS1100F 1980 European model. Standard. Dyna coils. Iridium plugs. XS750 final drive (sometimes). Micron fork brace. Progressive front springs. Geezer regulator/rectifier. Stainless 4 into 2 exhaust. Auto CCT (Venturer 1300) SOLD. New project now on the go. 1980 European model.

