So I am testing my carbs before I install them on my full 78E restoration, following the advise of many here and great advise it is! I first tested them with the bowls removed, upside down and supplied fuel to them. Lifted the floats to burb the air out, blew away the residual fuel and watched. No leaks. Let them sit for 30 minutes, no leaks. Put the bowls back on turned them right side up and supplied fuel again. This time, fuel immediately spewed out the bowl vent port between carbs 3 & 4. I lifted them up higher than the fuel supply to stop the fuel flow, set them back down slowly and the leak seemed to stop. But I have a continuous leak of one drop every 3 - 4 seconds from carb 4. So off came the bowls again to do the inverted test again after blowing out the needle seat thinking a piece of debris is preventing a seal. Now... all of the needle and seats seam to be weeping a little fuel!

All carb bodies have been ultrasonically cleaned, all jets removed and cleaned, passages cleaned, nozzle removed and cleaned, needles and seats all replaced, float heights all set to factory height and all within .005" of each other.
The needle and seat should provide a "zero" leak seal right? Are the TourMax kits junk?
I guess my next step will be to make sure the floats don't have a pin hole?
Any other advise would be appreciated!
Here's my setup up:
