Ok so I got Mikes Green coils today and got them put on and everything checks out good. I think I have to pickups wired correctly. I forgot to bolt the timing plate back on and I tried to start it, will that hurt anything? Put the plate on and tried to start it and It spits and pops but wont start. I was looking at the timing plate as I tried to start it and it wobbles as the motor turns over, I can move the whole shaft that the plate bolts on to , is this normal? Can the timing get messed up by not having that plate bolted down?
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Starting problems
Starting problems
μολὼν λαβέ
1978 XS1100E
K&N Filter
#45 pilot Jet, #137.5 Main Jet
OEM Exhaust
ATK Fork Brace
LED Dash lights
Ammeter, Oil Pressure, Oil Temp, and Volt Meters
Green Monster Coils
SS Brake Lines
Vision 550 Auto Tensioner
In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.
Theodore RooseveltTags: None
If you remove that bolt and the timing plate and rotor, you will see it only sits oen way into the end of the crank shaft. Sounds like your trying to bolt it in without it lined up ont he crank properly.
Yes, that assy IS the timing for the bike. so having it out of whack like that is definitely possible to not give you proper timing. Now, if you get it all put together correctly and aligned and it still does that, then try switching the connectors at the coils. If you did not keep really good track of which wires went to which coils and which pickup coils were mounted where..then you have a 50/50 shot at having them backwards. IT s amazing how often that 50/50 things works out to be wrong.Life is what happens while your planning everything else!
When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt.
81 XS1100 Special - Humpty Dumpty
80 XS1100 Special - Project Resurrection
Previously owned
93 GSX600F
80 XS1100 Special - Ruby
81 XS1100 Special
81 CB750 C
80 CB750 C
78 XS750
I know that the plate only goes on correctly one way and I cannot even get the bolt in the hole if it is not the right way. and when it is on correctly and bolted down it wobbles The PO had messed up the wiring of the Pickups so I was battling that and I tried having the wires both ways. If I have them the other way that what they are now it seems like the engine is fighting itself backwards and does not even fire.Nathan
μολὼν λαβέ
1978 XS1100E
K&N Filter
#45 pilot Jet, #137.5 Main Jet
OEM Exhaust
ATK Fork Brace
LED Dash lights
Ammeter, Oil Pressure, Oil Temp, and Volt Meters
Green Monster Coils
SS Brake Lines
Vision 550 Auto Tensioner
In any moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.
Theodore Roosevelt
Nate - the most common problem when replacing coils is getting the orange and grey coil feed wires crossed. It doesn't matter on the green coils which post you use for positive and which for negative, but on mine I put them on the same posts for both coils just cause I'm anal that way. You do want to make sure that the screw posts or the connectors on them aren't shorting out against something. As far as trying to start it with the timing plate off - it isn't going to hurt it. On the '78 and '79's with the mechanical advance, the rotor isn't going to move around much (if at all) with the plate removed, so I wouldn't loose any sleep over that - but I wouldn't make a habit out of it either
. If it was me, I'd check to make sure one coil has it's wires running to 1 & 4, and the other one is going to 2 & 3, switch the orange and grey wires, and try starting it.
I think I have a loose screw behind the handlebars.
'79 XS11 Standard, Jardine 4/1, Dyna DC1-1 Coils, 145 mains, 45 pilots, plastic floats - 25.7mm, XV920 fuel valves, inline fuel filters, speed bleeders, Mikes XS pods, spade-type fuse block, fork brace, progressive fork springs/shocks, manual petcocks, 750 FD, Venture cam chain tensioner, SS brake lines