I just bought the factory hardbags for a 1981 xs1100 special from a member on here. I love the bags. I have one question. After getting the bags mounted up I don't see a place to mount the rear signals. They won't clear the bags if mounted in the stock location and I don't see any holes in the bag mounts for them. What Am I missing? do any of you have pics where you mounted yours?
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Rear signal light mounts
Rear signal light mounts
What I ride now: 1980 XS1100 Special
What I used to Ride: 1980 XS850, 1984 Honda V65 Sabre, 1974 Honda CB750 ss, Yamaha YZ 480 (bored YZ400), Kawasaki 500 triple
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! John Newton (1725-1807)Tags: None
The bag set came (originally) with a replacement rear signal light assy.
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1978-...Q5fAccessoriesNice day, if it doesn't rain...
'05 ST1300
'83 502/502 Monte Carlo for sale/trade
Is this a great board or what? An answer and a bargain, almost instantly.
PatrickThe glorious rays of the rising sun exist only to create shadows in which doom may hide.
XS11F (Incubus, daily rider)
1969 Yamaha DT1B
Five other bikes whose names do not begin with "Y"
get a load of shipping price too
Not a bad price for signals, Outrageous shipping, Oh Canada, yee land of postal insanity.80 MNS , Georgefix pods , crossed fuel lines, no octy, inline filters, Daytona handlebar, custom seat, Hardley 19 muffs