I think I am done with this bike. Since I bought it last year it has been nothing but grief. It will not run right. I got it tuned and running good enough to take to work a month ago. Then as I am just getting off the interstate, after not being able to get it to rev above 5500, which is normal, it starts to rev high. Ok, sure just the sync that is off. get it home after riding the brakes and wishing they were better, I kill it. I wait a few minutes, so I crank it again. It high revs right back up. First thing I do is check the throttle cable. Free moving and with released slightly slack like it should be. Ok... so it must be the sync. Well since I need to do that any how I will check the floats. They are all the same height based on a WET check. Right at the float bowl washers. I decided to move the float needle to see it that changed anything. Didn't seem to make any difference. Ok.
So just a few minutes ago. Got the carbs back on. I set the timing mark to C and pop off the valve cover, I have a leaking cam tensioner, needed to fix that. Ok, get that fixed put it back in. Turn the engine BY HAND to make sure I didn't screw anything up. Timing looks good on both cams. Next start her up. Pull choke, hit the start. Cool starts right up. Then it starts to climb. Not even warm yet. So I kill it, take the choke in a notch, won't even start. finally get it to not rev up fast, sync a little with it cold, I know not best idea, but had to get the throttle in control. Get it to idle with 1/2 choke, sweet, check sync again not that it is warm. Cool, take it off choke... dies. Ok fine turn the idle screw in a little get it to run, at 2k rpm. try to get it close to sync revs. Can't get a vacuum to read. I pulled the mixture screws out a bit and then back in a bit to see if that helps. nadda.
I am so tired of this.
I just want to ride and have a bike that runs without having to fight with this. I would love it someone could could come down/up/over and help me out with this before I sell it for what I bought it for and loose the grand I have put in it. So if anyone is near the Charlotte area that can help get this thing running for a case of beer and what ever food they want (besides fillet and lobster tails) Please come help me out. Thanks.
So just a few minutes ago. Got the carbs back on. I set the timing mark to C and pop off the valve cover, I have a leaking cam tensioner, needed to fix that. Ok, get that fixed put it back in. Turn the engine BY HAND to make sure I didn't screw anything up. Timing looks good on both cams. Next start her up. Pull choke, hit the start. Cool starts right up. Then it starts to climb. Not even warm yet. So I kill it, take the choke in a notch, won't even start. finally get it to not rev up fast, sync a little with it cold, I know not best idea, but had to get the throttle in control. Get it to idle with 1/2 choke, sweet, check sync again not that it is warm. Cool, take it off choke... dies. Ok fine turn the idle screw in a little get it to run, at 2k rpm. try to get it close to sync revs. Can't get a vacuum to read. I pulled the mixture screws out a bit and then back in a bit to see if that helps. nadda.
I am so tired of this.
I just want to ride and have a bike that runs without having to fight with this. I would love it someone could could come down/up/over and help me out with this before I sell it for what I bought it for and loose the grand I have put in it. So if anyone is near the Charlotte area that can help get this thing running for a case of beer and what ever food they want (besides fillet and lobster tails) Please come help me out. Thanks.