OK, started rebuilding some carbs I got from one of the members on this site.They appear to be off an early model bike as they have the long idle adjust knob and 137 main jets. Anyway I disassembled them and removed everything I could get off, or out. The main nozzles, part #6 on the exploded view are two different types. Two have 16 holes and two have 10 holes. Of course I didn't pay any attention to which came out of which carb body. Do the ones with 16 holes go in the center two carbs? Maybe to allow a little more fuel to cool those cylinders. Kinda like larger jets in the center on later S models? Just a guess on my part. I didn't realise they actually came that way, but what do I know? The carbs don't appear to ever have been disassembled this far before. They are in really good shape. I'll post some before and after pics when I'm finished. My question is which main nozzle goes in which carb?
