My bike's a '80 Special, but the engine is from an '82-84 XJ, so I'm not sure which carbs I've got. They're Mikuni, and the float needle seat is a press-fit held in by a clip which is held in by a phillips screw. My problem is that my carbs don't have a choke lever. The slide works fine, but without the lever, I have to sit and hold the slide until the engine warms up, or keep blipping the throttle, or set my idle too high (which really screws me once the engine is hot and I'm sitting in traffic).
I've read that there's a ball and spring that's supposed to hold the slide in the correct positions, but when I looked last night, I couldn't find anything that looked like a spot where a ball and spring would fit. Would one of you kind folks with Mikuni carbs on a '80 special or '82-84 XJ mind taking a couple photos of how your lever works, and where this ball/spring/detent set-up is?
I've read that there's a ball and spring that's supposed to hold the slide in the correct positions, but when I looked last night, I couldn't find anything that looked like a spot where a ball and spring would fit. Would one of you kind folks with Mikuni carbs on a '80 special or '82-84 XJ mind taking a couple photos of how your lever works, and where this ball/spring/detent set-up is?