Here is the deal:
'80 1100SG.
This is my second bike. I bought it from the original owner. (My boss!) It was in PERFECT shape with 19000 original babied miles. I was afraid to get it wet because it looked like it had never been out of the showroom.
I take good care of it and don't race it.
How many miles can I expect from it before it needs a rebuild? I read in another post that somebody was looking for a chain that they don't make any more. What are the top two or three pieces that I need to keep in reserve?
Is this a reliable machine? It does not leak like my friends HD's all do, thats for sure.
It seems that it's like owning an old Duesenberg. At some point it sounds like I'm going to have to start making my own stuff. I'm a machinist, but some things are beyond that.
(Maybe I should start an XS wrecking yard on my patio, the wife would LOVE that.
'80 1100SG.
This is my second bike. I bought it from the original owner. (My boss!) It was in PERFECT shape with 19000 original babied miles. I was afraid to get it wet because it looked like it had never been out of the showroom.
I take good care of it and don't race it.
How many miles can I expect from it before it needs a rebuild? I read in another post that somebody was looking for a chain that they don't make any more. What are the top two or three pieces that I need to keep in reserve?
Is this a reliable machine? It does not leak like my friends HD's all do, thats for sure.
It seems that it's like owning an old Duesenberg. At some point it sounds like I'm going to have to start making my own stuff. I'm a machinist, but some things are beyond that.
(Maybe I should start an XS wrecking yard on my patio, the wife would LOVE that.