April '08 I pop the the big bucks ($84) for a AGM battery. Bitchin I think, no more pulling the battery to check the water. High capacity battery to. No problems. Kept a maintainer on it when it sat for more than a few days, new cables also made at time of install. My little handlebar mounted LED voltmeter rarely dropped in to yellow. Flash foward to Monday. Cruise into work, no problem, cruise on home. Stop at the gas station for a soda and some smokes. Come out, turn the key and my idiot (oil and neutral) lights glow real dim, hit the button and a muffled click is all I hear. My LED voltmeter dives to a single dim red light. Curbside troubleshooting finds nothing. Call the wife, bring my multimeter and the jumppack.
12.8volts on the meter, turn on the key and it plummets to 8,7,6 volts, not good. Jumpstart it, fires off, let it idle, it dies. Ride the 3 miles home keeping it above 3k, runs good. Charge battery overnight. 12.8volts in the AM, turn on key and it plummets again. Fearing a wiring problem, I pull the battery and hook a headlight up to it, dims out in matter of seconds. Gonna find out tomorrow if I have any warranty and hope I didn't fry my charging system.
