The bike is an 82 XJ. It had been sitting for 5-6 years, but started regularly. I just got done getting the carbs cleaned up and the engine is now running very smooth and very quite ( not much valve noise ). I also did an oil change and added an oil cooler (Hayden, very nice looking unit). So, first gear? When I first picked up the bike from PO when I put it in first it clunked really hard. When I moved it into the garage it did the same. I was hoping an oil change would help it, but it is still the same. Now, when I had it on the center stand and put it in first gear the rear wheel started spinning. When I put it back to neutral the rear wheel keep spinning. The clutch cable adjustment on the handle bar looks to be adjusted all the way out. With it on the center stand I get the impression the clutch is not disengaging. One other thing, I have never taken the bike down the road, i.e. it hasn't left the garage. Oh yeah, 14k miles, original clutch. Any ideas? New clutch cable maybe? Thanks for your time!