My bike is currently about 98% complete when it comes to work that needs to be done. It's quite rideable, and the small issues like low-speed stuttering seem to be showing up less and less as I ride more frequently. However, there's a few things that may (or may not) need to be looked at.
Right now, it's starting the thing. She'll run fine on half-choke, and on no choke within a minute or two of warming up. To get it started, though, I need to crack the throttle to get it to fire initially. Once it's revved for a few seconds, it settles down nicely. If I don't touch the throttle, though, the bike will never start (even if I give it full choke).
Is this standard operating procedure for these bikes, or do I have some sort of adjustment just a bit off?
Right now, it's starting the thing. She'll run fine on half-choke, and on no choke within a minute or two of warming up. To get it started, though, I need to crack the throttle to get it to fire initially. Once it's revved for a few seconds, it settles down nicely. If I don't touch the throttle, though, the bike will never start (even if I give it full choke).
Is this standard operating procedure for these bikes, or do I have some sort of adjustment just a bit off?