hey there folks.....i may be a bit slow, but i think i have solve the problem.....was going 2 work last week, stopped off for drinks for work (pop & juice...going into work!)...jumped back on and no start...battery dying.....luckly a guy was just opening his garage and gave me a jump.....rode one mile, got stuck at the light and she died.....pushed her 1/2 mile to get 2 work 1/2 hour late....beautiful start to a busy work day....btw, these b*stards are heavy especially when you are pushing uphill to cross the train tracks....charged her during work, got it home....rode out and got a brand new battery this weekend....rode 2 a friends house to have a couple cold ones and shoot the poop....stopped at the party store and when i come out....no go.....disconnect trunk/head lights and finally get her goin'....ride by the friends house and was not there....figure i better get her home while i can....hit the highway and flew all the way home.....(please forgive me beer gods, but had a 6 pack of bud light in the trunk and they got beat up all the way home....gonna have 2 drink those ones 2morrow!!!)...threw her on the charger and started poking around the electrical....figured out that the rear brake switch was stuck in the "on" position (probably since before i switched the battery out)....and low and behold with the headlight, running lights, and 6 brake lights on full blast, it almost killed the battery....pulled the rear brake switch (front has not worked since i have had her!)...and now i can not get it to work either.....was figuring @#$@# it...replace both switches and be done with it....looked on mikesxs.com and think i found the switches i need but wanna check it you guys to make sure i got the right ones.....looking at the 12-0009 switch for the rear and the 12-0044 switch for the front....needless to say the "rebel devil" is offline until this little brake light problem is fixed...i only go 12 miles to work but on a busy road (gratiot ave) and just my luck 2 get pulled over for a !@#$@'ed up brake light...thanx in advance for any advice.....take care and ride safe.....ross
