I got a 79 xs special that has 160 on the speedo and I saw 1980 xs that has 80 mph for a top speed on the speedo. I know they started detuning the xs in the eighties but was it detuned that much. Or was it just for show, it seems to me that you could peg the speedo in first gear.
I had a 1200 bandit that would do 92 in first, I'm not sure what my xs will do yet since it is a basketcase. Probably not 160, even if it could, I wouldn't want to do it.
Also as I side note, I did the experienced riders course that the military is requiring. If anybody is wondering they don't teach you anything new. It is essentialy the basic riders course rehased. Beats going to work though.
I had a 1200 bandit that would do 92 in first, I'm not sure what my xs will do yet since it is a basketcase. Probably not 160, even if it could, I wouldn't want to do it.
Also as I side note, I did the experienced riders course that the military is requiring. If anybody is wondering they don't teach you anything new. It is essentialy the basic riders course rehased. Beats going to work though.
