I just moved from Detroit to Little Rock. A week before I moved I had my valves adjusted on my XJ1100 in order to get the carbs tuned. When I dropped it off the bike was running strong. Two days before I left I was told that the valves were now in spec, but I had low compression on cylinders 1 and 2, and the mechanic determined it was from a bent valves in cylinders 1 and 2. Now the bike runs like crap. I am also living in an apartment complex, so I can't work on my bike. My quest is, based on the information I have, does this seem plausible? Does anyone know of a good old metric motorcycle mechanic out in Little Rock? I plan on getting valves from http://crc2onlinecatalog.com/valves.htm (as seen in xschop's post). Any comments on this?
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Looking for XJ Mechanic in Little Rock
Hate to say it but it sounds like your mechanic bent your valves. It would not have been running strong if the valves were bent when you dropped it off with him. Too bad you don't have a place you can work on it yourself. Good luck.Harry
The voices in my head are giving me the silent treatment.
'79 Standard
'82 XJ1100
'84 FJ1100
Acta Non Verba
Is there ANYTHING in Little Rock?I've driven through that area a couple times, and didn't notice anything but signs about Clinton!
1980 XS850SG - Sold
1981 XS1100LH Midnight Special (Sold) - purchased 9/29/08
Fully Vetterized and Dynojet Kit added, Heated Grips, Truck-Lite LED headlight, Accel Coils, Irridium plugs, TKAT Fork Brace, XS850LH Final Drive & Black SS Brake lines from Chacal.
Here's my web page devoted to my bike! XS/XJ User's Manuals there, and the XJ1100 Service Manual and both XS1100 Service manuals (free download!).
Whether you think you can, or you think you cannot - You're right.
-H. Ford