I know many of our folks have chosen to adapt their bikes to pod filters rather then the stock air box configuration. My question is why? My XS1100E with a winjammer fairing and a 280 lb rider will do over 100 miles per hour in third gear with the 850 mod. and I am running a stock air box. Changing to pods requires messing with the carb jetting. What is the end result? Is there a significant performance increase? I went to pods on my Tripple as the PO had lost the airbox cover and was running it w/o a filter (not for long I hope!) I installed EMGO pod filters until I could find a replacement airbox. I could tell no significant differance in performance after switching back to the factory air box. Now I know it is much easier to pull the carbs for service with pods, but there must be a better reason! Please advise this humble old biker.